Monday, March 10, 2008

KBOX Price and stuff

Yo ppl,

Most probably will have Kbox on Wednesday ba... (since some of you VIOLENTLY OBJECT to the idea of Pool!) If nothing crops up on that day (which I think may hav some random ad-hoc stuff for some of us...), we'll go for outing and lunch if the number of ppl going is sufficient. If not, a lunch would do.

The price around $9 ++ considering that we have a member among us and we going before 7pm, which is like duh?!! (Chen si ritez?)

For kbox venue, we will decide later. Ok? (This is a FINE opportunity to speak up, ok!)

Here's a MV of 好心分手


P.S.: Plz try to persuade yr parents to let u stay overnight. The chalet was booked was for this sole purpose and also to encourage class and senior bonding!