Monday, March 10, 2008


Math Holiday Assignment
BSP Essay

TUE: BSP Symposium rehearsal for some
WED: Math assignment from 1000-1130h at A315 (maybe a class lunch or gathering after that)
FRI: Prize Rehearsal for hwachong prize winners from 8am at audi/BSP rehearsal
SAT: BSP Symposium @ NYGH
20th Mar: JTS
24th Mar: Physics Test
26th Mar: PHYSICS MAKE UP PRACTICAL (26th March 10am-1130am, followed by Physics Investigative project 1130am-1230pm. Venue is one of the physics lab. ~Mr Tan)

For those who didnt join us, we had an outing before huangcheng at 3pm. We went to play pool, buy ice-cream, drink starbucks, eat dinner, take pictures take pictures and walkwalk.

THOSE who have pictures in your cam plsss upload them alright?? =)