and i am NOT sensitive about others mugging. you can mug all the way to the moon and back. and i'll just laugh. really! hah. so that goes for me being 'sensitive' to muggers...well... mugging. hehehe.
.:EDIT:. WAIT WAIT don't get the wrong idea. i'm not strongly anti mugger or anything. ITS ONLY FOR ENTERTAINMENT. disclaimer provided :D
omg la. so fast 1 week is almost over. and i haven't started studying! perhaps these thoughts should go on my own blog but well. i'm helping liven things up so don't flame me. haha.
though some *ahem* people should be flamed! haha actually not really. but provoking me will start an argument which will last for quite a while. until one party tires. a good way of burning off mugging time.
i think i shall add some random pictures. so at least its not all text.
okay. shall stop wasting time and go back to preparing for the competition. wish team s63 luck people! hahaha. against 2000+ other people we shall triumph! and show them how muggins is really done. ahahaha.
cute wild wabbits. i was going to put them on my blog but well. here they are! well only one is visible here.. but theres one more. furry and warm. haha.
and my wallpaper. hahaha. or something vaguely similar: i took quite a few photos of this type. small town, big ocean. jeju island! haha. more photos next time.